
Color Theory

color composition

Here is a short article on color from iStockphoto. Recommended reading for beginners learning about color.

Excerpt: When creating a very dense composition with lots of elements stuffed into a single image, it’s easy to let color overwhelm the viewer. The trick is not to use as many bright colors as possible, but to use color to draw the viewer’s eye to whatever you want to in your composition. (Texasflange)

One easy way to do this is by mixing different color combinations in your foregrounds and backgrounds. Try using ‘cooler’ colors in the background of your image, and making the focal points ‘warmer’ colors. The eye will automatically be drawn to the warmer, brighter bits in your image. You can also reverse this combo by using warmer colors juxtaposed by a cooler shade up front…

Read full article on Color

4 thoughts on “Color Theory”

  1. This covers an important concept with color that is usually not addressed in beginning or overview type of articles: light. The right kind of light can make a color pop in a photo or make it blend into the background. Nothing beats natural light, but studio lights with filters come in a close second!

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