
Premium Tutorial: Office Chair

Office Chair

In the following steps, you will learn how to create a detailed Office Chair illustration. The Pen Tool (P) is the mostly used tool in this tutorial. We’ll continue to use some techniques (Clipping Mask, Blend, Gradient on Stroke…) and some effects (Gaussian Blur, Craquelure, Drop Shadow) to make the chair look more realistic. So let’s begin!


Difficulty: Intermediate
Requirements: Adobe Illustrator

What will you get?

    • Instant download of PDF e-book (57 pages, 122 steps)
    • Comes with Ai file for easy reference
    • Detailed step by step tutorial to draw a nice realistic Office Chair

Tutorial Preview:

Draw the Backrest

1. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use this tool to draw the two shapes as shown below.

office chair

2. Fill the bigger shape with R=88, G=89, B=91. Then fill the remaining shape with the linear gradient.

office chair

3. Create a new shape and then fill it with the linear gradient as shown below.

office chair

4. Reselect the newly created shape and go to the Effect Menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 30 pixel Radius and then click OK.

office chair

5. Now we'll hide the unwanted part of the newly blurred object (highlighted by the red ellipse) with a Clipping Mask. First, select the smaller object created in step 1, duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) it once again and then bring it to the front. While this object is selected, hold down Shift and click on the newly blurred object. Next, right-click on the document and then select the Make Clipping Mask section from the Pop-up menu.

office chair

6. Draw a curve and then fill it with the linear gradient. Reselect the result and go to the Effect Menu > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 10 pixel Radius and then click OK.

office chair

7. Continue to draw a shape and then fill it with the linear gradient as shown below.

office chair

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