In this tutorial, we will explain how to illustrate a coconut tree and a beach. The coconut tree is located at the corner of the scene. Illustrating the sky and sea background will be easy but illustrating the coconut tree and its leaves will be a little difficult. Let’s get started!
Difficulty: Easy
Requirements: Adobe Illustrator
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- Instant download of PDF e-book (17 pages, 49 steps)
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- Detailed step by step tutorial to draw a nice realistic coconut tree on a beach
Tutorial Preview:
29. Select the leaf, create appropriate color in the Gradient Palette and set its direction using Gradient Tool.
30. Draw a shape at the middle of the leaf and fill it with the appropriate color.
31. Draw a withered leaf as shown below.
32. Draw another leaf between the first and last leaves. The color of this leaf can be uniform.
33. Draw a leaf under the withered one. This leaf is partially dark because it is located under the other leaf.
34. Draw a leaf at the right side of the first leaf. You should notice the direction of the leaves. In addition, you can use from a model.
35. Draw a dark leaf under the last one. This leaf should be smaller and has more leaflets.
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