tea cup

Illustrator Tutorial: Cup of Tea


tea cup

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a quick and enjoying cup of tea with a tea bag using Adobe Illustrator. I’ll mostly be drawing shapes and using the Gradient Tool to accomplish the desired effect. If you’re familiar with Illustrator, you should be able to follow along relatively easily.


1. Select the Ellipse Tool (L) from the Tool Panel and create two circles. One is white and the other is dark brown.

tea cup

2. Select the two circles and go to Object> Blend> Make (Alt+Ctrl+B).

tea cup

3. Select the Ellipse Tool (L) and create another circle then fill the circle with solid color and paste in front (Ctrl+F).

tea cup

4. Select the Pen Tool (P) and draw a shape then fill it with white.

tea cup

5. Select the Ellipse Tool (L) and create another circle then fill it with Radial Gradient.

tea cup

6. Create another circle and fill it with Linear Gradient.

tea cup

7. Copy the circle and paste it in front. Reduce the size and fill it with Radial Gradient.

tea cup

Step 2

8. Now in step 2, we will first create a shape using the Pen Tool (P) and fill it with black.

tea cup

9. Copy the shape and scale it a liitle bit. Paste it in front and fill it with Linear Gradient.

tea cup

10. Now create a shape using the Pen Tool (P) and fill it with Linear Gradient.

tea cup


tea cup

12. Now create a shape using the Pen Tool (P) and fill with Linear Gradient.

tea cup

13. Create a shape, fill it with black and place it in front.

tea cup

14. Now create a shape using the Pen Tool (P) and fill it with solid black.

tea cup

15. Create a new shape and fill it with Linear Gradient color then place it in front.

tea cup

16. Now using the Pen Tool (P), create a shape and fill it with solid color.

tea cup

17. Add another shape and fill with black then reduce the opacity to 17%.

tea cup

Step 3

18. Now in step 3, we are using the Ellipse Tool. Create two ellipses, one fill with gradient and the other with solid color.

tea cup

19. Copy the ellipes and paste them in front (Ctrl+F). Make some adjustment and fill them with Radial Gradient.

tea cup

20. Copy and paste in front then reduce a little bit. Change the gradient.

tea cup

21. Create a shape and fill it with white.

tea cup

22. Duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) the shape and scale it a liitle bit then fill it with yellow.

tea cup

23. Copy and paste in front. Scale it a little bit and change the color to brown.

tea cup

24. Now create a new shape using the Pen Tool and fill it with Radial Gradient.

tea cup

25. Take the Pen Tool (P) from the Tool Panel and create the shape as it shown in the picture below. Make sure that endpoints match. You can adjust the position of endpoints by using the Direct Selection Tool (A): Fill the shape using Linear Gradient.

tea cup


tea cup

27. Now use the Pen Tool (P) and draw the handle for the cup.

tea cup

28. Create a shape for the highlighting of the handle and fill the shape with gradient.

tea cup


tea cup

30. Create a shape for the highlighting of the handle and fill the shape with white.

tea cup

31. Copy the shape and paste it in front. Scale it a little bit and fill with Linear Gradient.

tea cup

32. Create a shape at the bottom of the cup and fill it with gradient.

tea cup

33. Create a new shape and fill it with gradient. Change the Blending Mode to Multiply and Opacity to 25%.

tea cup

34. Create another shape and fill it with gradient. Change the Blending Mode to Multiply and Opacity to 25%.

tea cup


tea cup

36. Create another shape and fill it with solid black. Change the Blending Mode to Multiply and Opacity to 15%.

tea cup


tea cup


tea cup

39. Create a new shape using the Pen Tool and fill it with gradient. Reduce the Opacity to 45%.

tea cup

40. Fill the new shape with solid black and reduce the Opacity to 13%.

tea cup

Step 4

41. Create a new shape for the Tea bag using Pen Tool and fill it with solid color.

tea cup

42. Copy the shape and paste it in front (Ctrl+F). Scale it a little bit then fill the shape with gradient color.

tea cup

43. With the help of the Pen Tool, draw some lines using yellow stroke color.

tea cup


tea cup


tea cup

46. With the help of the Pen Tool, draw some lines using yellow stroke color and reduce its Opacity to 65%.

tea cup

47. Using the Ellipse Tool (L), create a small ellipse and fill it with solid green.

tea cup

48. Use the Pen Tool to draw a shape and fill it with solid color then paste it in front.

tea cup

Step 5

49. Take the Pen Tool (P) from the Tool Panel and create the shape as it is shown in the picture below. Fill the shape with Radial Gradient and reduce the Opacity to 68%.

tea cup

50. Create another shape but this time fill it with solid yellow and reduce the Opacity to 68%.

tea cup

51 Draw two circles using the the Ellipse Tool (L), one is brown and the other is yellow. Create the shapes as it shown in the picture below. Group the object (Ctrl+G) and reduce the Opacity to 68%. Now press the Alt key and drag it to copy the object then release it to another place for pasting.

tea cup

Final Output

tea cup


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