
Illustrator Tutorial: How to Create a Vector Fan

how to crate a vector Fan

In the following tutorial, you will learn to create a vector fan illustration. We’ll create simple shapes with Illustrator’s basic tools and use simple techniques like the Pathfinder, Align, Arrange, Gradient, etc. in Adobe Illustrator. You will be able to learn how to make the cage, propeller and fan. Let’s get started!

Create a New Document

1. Create a 1200px by 1200px document.

vector fan

Create Propellers, Cage and Body of the Fan

2. Grab the Pen Tool (P) and create a shape as shown by the first image below (2a).

3. Use the Ellipse Tool (L), click on the document and set values in the Ellipse dialog box from the next image (2b).

4. Use the Selection Tool (V) select these objects, then click on the Horizontal Align Center button and the Vertical Align Top button from the Align Panel (2c).

vector fan

5. Select the circle, then drag the horizontal guides intersect the vertical guides at the center of the circle.

6. Select the propeller, then pick the Rotate Tool (R) and hold down Alt key and click on the center of the circle. In the Rotate dialog box, enter a 120 Angle, click Copy (2d), then press Ctrl+D once. At this time we had three propellers from the third image below (2e).

7. Select three propellers, then grab the Rotate Tool (R), hold down Alt key and click on the center of the circle. Enter a 45 Angle in the Rotate dialog box, then click OK (2f).

vector fan

8. Select any a propeller. Fill it with a radial gradient to 90% black from 50% black and set values of stroke (weight: 2px, color: 20% black) (3a).

9. Select the remaining propellers, then pick the Eyedropper Tool (I) and click on the colored propeller. Then use the Gradient Tool (G) to change position of the Gradient Bars from the second image (3b).

vector fan

10. Select the red circle and reduce size of it a bit. (4a)

11. With the red circle selected, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path, enter value of Offset of -115 px, then click OK. Change stroke color of this new circle from red to orange. (4b)

12. Select the red circle again, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path, enter value of Offset of -120 px, then click OK. Change stroke color of this new circle from red to yellow. (4c)

vector fan

13. Select both circles orange and yellow, go to Object menu > Hide > Selection (Ctrl + 3) to hide these objects. (4c)

14. Select the red circle again, go to Object > Path > Offset Path. Enter value of Offset is -40 px, then click OK. Next change stroke color of this new circle from red to green. (4d)

vector fan

15. Select the red circle again and use the technique mentioned above to create two new circles with values of Offset of 30 px and 34 px. (4e)

16. Select both newly created circles, hit the Exclude button in Pathfinder Panel to create a new object. (4f)

vector fan

17. Fill this new object with a radial gradien of 50% to 90% black.

18. Change the stroke colors of the green circle and the red circle to gray (60% black)

vector fan

19. Use the Pen Tool (P) draw a curve from top to center of the largest circle. (5a)

20. With the curve selected, pick the Rotate Tool (R), hold down Alt key and click on intersect point of two guides. Enter a 5 Angle in Rotate dialog box, then click Copy. (5b)

21. Press Ctrl + D many times as shown by the third image below (5c). Group all curves and name is “Front_Curves”.

22. With the “Front_Curves” group selected, go to Object menu > Transform > Reflect. Mark on Vertical and click Copy. At this time, we have a new curves group and name it ” Back_Curves”. Then go to Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back to send the “Back_Curves” group to back. (5d)

vector fan

23. Select the second largest circle, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -10px Offset, click OK. Continue select the second largest circle again, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -35px Offset and click OK. Now select both newly created circles, go to Object > Arrange > Send to Back to send two circles to back. Finaly change color strokes of two circles to gray (50% black). (5e)

vector fan

24. Go to Object menu > Show All (Ctrl+Alt+3) to show two circles in step 13.

25. Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to create a shape as shown by the first image below (6a) (Fill = None, Stroke color = Orange)

26. Create two shapes shown on the second image below (6b) (Fill = None, Stroke color = Orange)

27. Select all orange shapes, then hit the Unite button in Pathfinder Panel. At this time, we have a new shape as shown by the third image below. (6c). Fill it with gray (60% black). (6d)

28. Go to Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back to send this shape to back.

vector fan

29. Select the yellow circle and fill it with a radial of gradient from 90% black to 70% black. (Stroke=None)

30. Use the Type Tool (T) create your logo, then move it to position as shown by the image below.

31. Select all and group them.

vector fan

Create the Fan Leg

32. Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool create a rounded rectangle. (8a)

33. Fill this rectangle with a linear of gradient as shown by the third image below. (8b)

vector fan

34. Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool create a rounded rectangle as shown by the second image below. (8a)

35. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select two left-bottom corner points of the rounded rectangle. Then hold down Shift key and hit the left arrow once. (9b)

36. Select two right-bottom corner points, hold down the Shift key and hit the right arrow once. (9c)

37. Pick the Add Anchor Point Tool and add an anchor point in the center of the bottom edge of the rounded rectangle.

Then use the Convert Anchor Points Tool (Shift+C) click on this anchor point, hold mouse and drag to the left a bit. (9d)

38. Fill this rectangle with a linear of gradient as shown by the final image below. (9e)

vector fan

39. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) create a ellipse (W: 62px, H: 23px). (10a)

40. With ellipse selected, press Ctrl+F once to create an ellipse more. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select the bottom point of the newly created ellipse and drag it down a bit (10b). Then send this ellipse to back by go to Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back. Finally, fill it with a linear of gradient (10c).

41. Select the upper ellipse and fill it with a radial of gradient (10d).

42. Select both ellipses and group them. Then send them to back by go to Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back.

43. Finally, move this group to position as shown by the first image below (10).

vector fan

44. Pick the Rectangle Tool create a rectangle (W: 55px, H: 310px) (11a).

45. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) click on the left-lower corner point of rectangle, hold down Shift key and hit the left arrow once (11b).

46. Use the technique mentioned above with the right-lower corner point, but hit the right arrow (11c).

47. Use the Selection Tool (V) to select this shape, then pick the Add Anchor Point Tool click on the center of the bottom edge of it. Next use the Convert Anchor Points Tool (Shift+C) click on this point, hold mouse and drag to the left a bit (11d).

48. Fill this shape with a linear of gradient (11e), then send it to back (Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back) and move it to position as shown by the first image below (11).

vector fan

49. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to draw a ellipse (W: 86px, H: 30px) (12a).

50. Fill it with a radial of gradient. Then send it to back (Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back) and move it to position as shown by the first image below (12).

51. Select all parts of the fan leg and group them.

vector fan

Create the Fan Support

52. Use theRounded Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a shape ( Fill=None, Stroke color=Black) (13a).

53. With this shape selected, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -10px Offset, click OK. Then change color of this shape from black to red (13b).

54. With the red shape selected, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -3px Offset, click OK. Then change color of this shape from red to green (13c).

55. Select all shapes, then press the Vertical Align Top button on Align panel (13d).

vector fan

56. Fill the black shape with dark gray (#474646) (Stroke=None) (14a).

57. Fill the red shape with a linear of gradient (Stroke = None) as shown by the second image below (14b).

58. Fill the green shape with a linear of gradient (Stroke: weight=1px, color = 100% black) as shown by the third image below (14c).

vector fan

59. Create a shape (W: 132px, H: 200px) by the Rounded Rectangle Tool (15a).

60. Use the Rectangle Tool to draw a rectangle and move it to position as shown by the second image below (15b).

61. Select both shapes, then press the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder Panel (15c).

62. With the newly created shape selected, pick the Add Anchor Point Tool (+) and add two anchor points in points highlighted with green as shown by the fourth image below (15d).

63. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) click on the left anchor point and hit the right arrow twice. Do the same with the right anchor point but hit the left arrow. With the Direct Selection Tool selected, hold down Shift key, click on two anchor points and press the Conver selected anchor points to smooth button from the Properties Bar (15e).

64. Use the Selection Tool (V) to select the shape, then go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -2px Offset, click OK (15f).

vector fan

65. Select the bigger shape and fill it with linear of gradient (16a).

66. Select the remaining shape and fill it with linear of gradient as shown by the second image below (16b).

vector fan

67. Create a shape (W: 120px, H: 150px) by Rounded Rectangle Tool (17a).

68. Use the Rectangle Tool to draw a rectangle and move it to position as shown by the second image below (17b).

69. Select both shapes and hit the Minus Front buttton from Pathfinder Panel (17c).

70. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select the top left anchor point of the shape, hold down Shift key and hit the right arrow once (17d).

71. Do the same with the top right anchor point but press the left arrow key (17e).

72. Use the Selection Tool (V) to select the shape, then go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -3px Offlet and click OK (17f).

vector fan

73. Select the bigger shape and fill it with a linear of gradient as shown by the first image below (18a).

74. Fill the remaining shape with a linear of gradient as shown by the second image below (18b).

vector fan

75. Give names to shapes as shown by the first image below.

76. Select both shapes “1” and “2”, press the Horizontal Align Center button from the Align Panel, then press the Vertical Align Bottom button (19a).

77. Select the shape “2” and press the up arrow key on keyboard seven times. Group the shape “1” and “2” (19b).

78. Select three shapes and press the Horizontal Align Center button from the Align Panel, then press the Vertical Align Top button (19c).

vector fan

Create control buttons

79. Use the Ellipse Tool to create an ellipse (W: 270px, H: 140px) (20a).

80. Create a rectangle (W: 270px, H: 126px) by the Rectangle Tool (20b).

81. Select both shapes and open the Align panel (Shift+F7), then click the Horizontal Align Center. Move the ellipse up to position as shown by the third image below (20c).

82. With the ellipse selected, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a 8px Offset, click OK. Change the stroke color of the ellipse from black to red (20d).

vector fan

83. Move the red ellipse down to position as shown by the first image below (21a).

84. With the red ellipse selected, go to Object menu > Path > Offset Path. Enter a 20px Offset, click OK. Change the stroke color of this shape from red to green. Then send the green ellipse to back (Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back (21b).

85. Select the rectangle, grab the Add Anchor Point Tool click on the center of the bottom edge of it, then use Direct Selection Tool (A) drag this anchor point down as shown by the third image below (21c).

86. Grab the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift+C) click on this anchor point, hold mouse, hold down Shift and drag to the left a bit (21d).

vector fan

87. Fill shapes as shown by the image below.

vector fan

88. Copy the newly created button and paste it to new position

89. Give names to shapes as shown by the first image below (23a).

90. Select the shape “1” and set color on Gradient panel of it as shown by the second image (23b).

91. Then set color on Gradient panel of the shape “2” as shown by the third image (23c).

vector fan

92. Copy the first button to two buttons more.

93. Move buttons to position as shown by the image below.

94. Use the Type Tool (T) to create numbers and logo.

95. Select all part of fan support and group them.

vector fan

96. Select all groups, then open the Align panel (Shift + F7) and click on the Horizontal Align Center (25a)

97. Select just the fan leg group, then go to Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back.

98. Select just the fan support group, then go to Object menu > Arrange > Send to Back (25b)

vector fan

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