In the following steps, you will learn how to create a jeans text effect using theAdobe Illustrator. For beginners, you will learn how to create the main shapes of the jeans using the Pen and the Add Anchor Point tools. Next, you will learn how to add details on the main jeans shape using the Roughen, Tweak and Grain effects. You will repeat the techniques made in the previous steps to create the other jeans shapes such as the waistband, belt loops and pockets. At the end of this tutorial, you’ll make things more vivid by adding the rips on the trouser legs using Clipping Mask along with the Zig Zag, and Rounghen effects.
Create a New Document
1. Press (Ctrl +N) to create a new document. Select Pixels from the Units drop-down menu, and enter 900 in the width box and 430 in the height box then click on the Advanced button. Select RGB, Screen (72ppi) and make sure that the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid box is unchecked before you click OK.
Create the Main Jeans Shapes
2. Start by drawing five rectangles using the Rectangle Tool (M) and place them as shown in the image below.
3. We’ll create the text based on the newly created rectangles. Let’s start by creating the letter “J”. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use this tool to create objects as shown below.
4. Continue using the Pen Tool (P) and create the other letters: E, A, N, S.
5. Your objects should look something like this:
6. Select all the objects created from step 3 up to this time and go to the Effect > Stylize > Round Corners. In the Round Corners box, enter a 3px Radius and then click OK. Keep the results selected. Go to the Object > Expand Appearance.
7. Pick the Add Anchor Point Tool (+) and add some anchor points to the red object of the letter “J”. Next, select all the newly added anchor points and then click on the “Convert selected anchor points to smooth” button from the Properties bar. Now use the Direct Selection Tool (A), select the newly added anchor points and move them as shown below. Repeat the process for the other objects of the letter “J”.
8. Repeat the techniques for the objects of the remaining four letters. In the end, your letters should looks roughly like the final image below.
9. Fill all the objects with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220).
Create the Back Waistband
10. Focus on the letter “J”. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create an object as shown below. Once your object is drawn, fill it with R=150, G=75, B=55 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Next, hide the result behind the other shapes of the letter “J”. Continue to draw more “back waistband” objects for the remaining letters.
11. Now we’ll create the main objects of the front waistbands as shown below. These objects will be needed later.
12. Focus on the letter “J”. Select the shape as shown below and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path box, enter a -4px Offset and then click OK. Replace the existing color of the newly created shape with R=54, G=138, B=198. While the resulting shape is selected, go to the Effect > Distort & Transform > Roughen. In the Roughen box, follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Next, go to the Effect > Stylize > Feather. Enter a 3px Radius and click OK. Make a duplicate of the resulting shape (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F). Keep the duplicate selected, open the Appearance palette (Window > Appearance) and remove the Roughen and Feather effects. Make sure that your newly created shape is still selected and go to the Effect > Distort & Transform > Tweak. In the Tweak box, follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Keep the resulting shape selected. Open the Transparency palette (Window > Transparency), set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 50%.
13. Select and group (Ctrl +G) the two shapes using the Roughen and Tweak effects. Now reselect the shape that has been selected on step 12, duplicate it once (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) and bring the duplicate in front of the newly created group. Next, make a duplicate of the newly created shape (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F) and make it invisible (press Ctrl +3). Now reselect the newly created shape, hold down the Shift key, and click on the newly created group. Go the Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Ctrl +7).
14. Press (Ctrl +Alt +3) to show the shape hidden in the previous step and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Keep the resulting shape selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%.
15. Repeat the techniques for the remaining three blue shapes of the letter “J”. In the end, it should look like the final image shown below.
16. Repeat the previous steps for the blue shapes of the remaining four letters. In the end, your letters should looks roughly like the final image.
17. Select all the shapes created in step 9 and go to the Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow. In the Drop Shadow box, follow the data as shown below and then click OK.
Create the Stitching Lines and the Seams
18. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create three curved paths as shown below. Reselect the three newly created paths, fill them with none and add a 1px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the results selected. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box. Now select the longest path, duplicate it, and go into the Stroke palette. Uncheck the Dashed Line. Keep the resulting path selected, replace the existing stroke color with R=54, G=110, B=182 and then change the stroke weight to 2px. Make sure that the newly created path is still selected and press (Ctrl +Left Square Bracket) to send it backward. Now select the four newly created paths and hide them behind the biggest shape using the Grain effect.
19. Repeat the process in the previous step to draw more side seams.
20. We’ll create the stitching lines for the hems. First, draw two paths as shown below. Once your paths are drawn, reselect the red path, fill it with none and add a 1px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the result selected, open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box. Next, select the remaining path, fill it with none and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). While the result is selected, go into the Transparency palette and set the Blending Mode to Overlay. Repeat the process for the remaining trouser leg of the letter “J”.
21. Repeat the previous steps for the remaining four letters. In the end, your letters should looks roughly like the final image
Create the Front Waistband
22. Start by drawing two objects using the Pen Tool (P). Once your objects are drawn, fill them with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Keep the resulting shapes selected. Go to the Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Duplicate the resulting shapes once, remove the Drop Shadow effect of the duplicates and then remove the stroke color of them. While the newly created shapes are selected, go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Make sure that the resulting shapes are still selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%.
23. Reselect the two newly created shapes and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -2px Offset and then click OK. Remove the Grain effect of the two newly created shapes, and replace the existing fill color of them with R=54, G=138, B=198. Finally, press (Ctrl +Left Square Bracket) to send the two results backward.
24. To create the stitching lines for the front waistband, use the Pen Tool (P) to create three paths as shown below. Once your paths are drawn, fill them with none and add a 1px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the results selected. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box.
Create the Front Pocket
25. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create an object as shown below. Once your object is drawn, fill it with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Keep the resulting shape selected, go to the Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Duplicate the resulting shape once, remove the Drop Shadow effect of the duplicate and then remove the stroke color of it. Reselect the newly created shape and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Make sure that the resulting shape is still selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%. Make a duplicate of the newly created shape, remove the Grain effect of the copy, then remove the fill color and add a 1px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the result selected. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box.
26. Repeat step 25 to create another front pocket. After you are done creating the second front pocket, we’ll create a coin pocket for this new front pocket. First, draw an object as shown in the second image. Once your object is drawn, fill it with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Keep the resulting shape selected. Go to the Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Duplicate the resulting shape. Remove the Drop Shadow effect of the duplicate and then remove the stroke color of it. Reselect the newly created shape and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Make sure that the resulting shape is still selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%. Finally, group (Ctrl +G) the two newly created shapes and hide them behind the front pocket.
Create the Belt Loops
27. With the help of the Pen Tool (P), create an object as shown below. Fill this object with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Keep the resultting shape selected, go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and use the settings in the second image. Make a duplicate of the resulting shape. Remove the Drop Shadow effect of it, then remove the existing stroke color and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Make sure that the resulting shape is still selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%.
28. Reselect the newly created shape and duplicate it. Next, remove the Grain effect of the duplicate. Remove the fill color and add a 1px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Now select the two anchor points highlighted with green, click on the “Cut path at selected anchor points” button from the Properties bar and then remove the smaller object. Reselect the remaining object. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box. Repeat the process to create another belt loop as you see in the final image.
Create the Button and the Rivets
29. Start by drawing an object and fill it with R=80, G=0, B=0. Next, duplicate the newly created shape, remove the fill color of the duplicate and add a 1px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the result selected. Open the Stroke palette and check the Dashed Line. Enter 0.5px in the dash box and 0.5px in the gap box.
30. Pick the Ellipse Tool (L). Use it to create a 4 by 4px object and fill it with the linear gradient. Make a duplicate of the newly created ellipse. Reduce size of the duplicate and replace the existing color with the new linear gradient. Continue to make a duplicate of the newly created ellipse. Reduce the size of the duplicate and then replace the existing color with the radial gradient. Next, select and group (Ctrl +G) the three newly created ellipses.
31. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to create a 8 by 8px object and then fill it with the linear gradient. Make a duplicate of the newly created ellipse. Reduce the size of it and then replace the existing color with the radial gradient. Next, draw a curved pathas shown in the third image. Once your path is drawn, fill it with none and add a 0.5px stroke (apply the linear gradient within stroke). Apply the Width Profile 1 for the result. Finally, select and group (Ctrl +G) the three newly created objects.
32. Make a duplicate of the “rivet” group and place the “button” group and the two “rivet” groups to the correct positions as shown in the first image. You should end up with something like shown in the second image below.
33. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all the objects created from step 22 up to this time. Make a duplicate of this group, rotate it to an angle of about -90 degrees and then place it to the position as shown in the first image. Now, follow the sequence of and repeat the process for the letters “A” and “N”.
Create the Back Waistband for the Letter “S”
34. Now focus on the letter “S”. Select the green object created in step 11, fill it with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Keep the resultting shape selected. Go to Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow and use the settings in the second image. Make a duplicate of the resulting shape, remove the Drop Shadow effect of the duplicate, then remove the existing stroke color and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Make sure that the resulting shape is still selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%. Continue to draw another object as shown in the final image and then fill it with R=54, G=138, B=198. Next, press (Ctrl +Left Square Bracket) to send the resulting shape backward.
35. To add the stitching lines for this back waistband, first draw two curved paths as shown below. Next, fill the two paths with none and add a 0.75px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the results selected. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box.
36. Now, follow the sequence of and do the same in steps 27 and 28 to create the two belt loops for the back waistband of the letter “S”.
Create the Back Pockets
37. Start by drawing an object using the Pen Tool (P) as shown below. Once your object is drawn, reselect it and go to the Effect > Stylize > Round Corners. Enter a 3px Radius and then click OK. Fill the resulting object with R=54, G=110, B=182 and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220). Keep the result selected, go to the Effect > Stylize > Drop Shadow. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Make a duplicate of the resulting shape, remove the Drop Shadow effect of the copy, then remove the existing stroke color and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain. Follow the data as shown in the third image and then click OK. Make sure that the resulting shape is still selected. Set the Blending Mode to Overlay and reduce the Opacity to 60%
38. Reselect the newly created shape and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -2px Offset and then click OK. Remove the Grain effect of the newly created shape, then remove the existing fill color of it and add a 0.75px stroke (R=172, G=103, B=0). Keep the result selected. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 2px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box. To add a detail for the back pocket, first draw a path shown in the second image. Once your path is drawn, fill it with none and add a 1px stroke (R=134, G=170, B=220).
39. Repeat the previous steps to create another back pocket. Now we’ll create a label on the newly created pocket. First use the Pen Tool (P) to create an object and fill with R=150, G=75, B=55. Keep the resulting shape selected. Go to the Effect > Stylize > Outer Glow. Follow the data as shown in the second image and then click OK. Finally, hide the label behind the back pocket. Once done, your artwork should look roughly like the final
Create the Rips for the Jeans
40. Using the Pen Tool (P), draw an object as shown below. Once your object is drawn, fill it with R=193, G=213, B=255 and then go to the Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Make a duplicate of the newly created shape. Remove the fill color of the duplicate and add a 2px stroke (R=42, G=115, B=252). Keep the result selected. Open the Stroke palette (Window > Stroke), then check the Dashed Line box. Enter 1px in the dash box and 1px in the gap box.
41. Use the Line Segment Tool (\) to create two horizontal paths as shown below. Next, fill the two paths with none and add a 0.5px stroke (R=255, G=255, B=255). Now reselect the two newly created paths and go to the Object > Blend > Blend Options. Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Next, go to the Object > Blend > Make (Ctrl +Alt +B). Keep the result selected. Go to the Effect > Distort & Transform > Roughen. Follow the data as shown in the second image and then click OK.
42. Rotate the newly created object and place it to the position as shown below. Next, select the shape created in the step 40, duplicate it and bring the uplicate to front (Ctrl +Shift +Right Square Bracket). Keep this duplicate selected. Hold down the Shift key, click on the object created in step 41 and go to the Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Ctrl +7). Next, press (Ctrl +Left Square Bracket) once to send the result backward. To add some details for the newly created objects, use the Pencil Tool (N) to create curved lines, with a 1px stroke (R=255, G=255, B=255) and no fill. Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all the objects created from step 40 up to this time. Continue to draw more rips until you have something similar to the second image below.
43. Place the “rip” groups to the positions as shown below. Next, select and hide the “rip” groups highlighted with red circlesas shown in the second image.
44. Now we’ll hide the parts of the newly created rips that lie outside the letters. Focus on the letter “E”. Select the shape created in step 9, duplicate it and bring the duplicate in front of the rips, then remove the Drop Shadow effect of it. Keep the newly created shape selected. Hold down the Shift key, click on the two rips and go to the Object > Clipping Mask > Make (Ctrl +7). Next, hide the result behind the trouser legs. Repeat the techniques for the remaining rips. Once done, your artwork should look roughly like the final image.
Create the Background
45. With the help of the Rectangle Tool (M), create a 826 by 332px object. Fill this object with R=136, G=126, B=110. Now place the “JEANS” group to the newly created background. To add a detail to the background, draw a curved path as shown in the third image. Fill this path with none, add a 7px stroke (R=255, G=255, B=255) and apply the Width Profile 2 for the result. Finally, hide the newly created object behind the “JEANS” group.
Let’s have a look at the final design. I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and be able to apply the techniques in your future projects.
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