
Premium Tutorial: Meltdown Text Effect

meltdown text effect

Create a super cool meltdown text effect for a typeface in this premium illustrator tutorial. Have fun with your imagination and artistic skills. Learn how to create glows and liquid drip effect for text in this tutorial. You will learn the techniques which I used to create beautiful text effects.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Requirements: Adobe Illustrator

What will you get?

    • Instant download of PDF e-book (78 steps)
    • Detailed step by step tutorial
    • Learn the techniques to create glows and meltdown effect for text
    • Comes with Ai file for easy reference

Tutorial Preview:

1. First, we have to select a font that is thick in size. I chose Impact as it has good outlook and almost everyone has it… so simply write down your text on a layer. And lock it forever.

2. My first idea is to start with a glow that acts as highlights to at all the fonts.

3. All these glow patterns have been created with blend method. The Blend Tool is a great tool to achieve certain effects and we will be using it heavily in this tutorial. Draw 3 paths on top of each other. The one at the bottom has a gradient color of darker tones so that it gets blended to the blackness of the font. The next one is our intermediate color and on top in a very small size is white that act as the highlight.

4. Go to Object > Blend > Blend options and select Specified Steps. I mostly use the value 100. Now go to Object > Blend > Make and bingo... There you have a nice looking glow effect.

5. I use the same blend method to create all the glow effects. Observe the images below to study the patterns of how a good blend is achieved. If you can't get it right, you should practice and master the Blend Tool before you go any further. Otherwise, it will be a pain for you ahead.

Tip: Blend works best if all the paths used in blend have same number of nodes. By nodes I mean the pointers in the path.

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