In this tutorial you’ll learn to create a retro pin-up girl in Adobe Illustrator. We’ll use simple shapes, Pathfinder palette, some different Width Profiles in the Stroke palette, which are easy to apply in other illustrations. So let’s jump in and begin creating!
Difficulty: Advanced
Requirements: Adobe Illustrator
What will you get?
- Instant download of PDF e-book (47 pages, 48 steps)
- Comes with Ai file for easy reference
- Detailed step by step tutorial to draw a nice realistic retro pin-up girl
Tutorial Preview:
Create the Hand
22. We are going to create the hand. With the help of the Pen Tool (P), create some objects as shown in the images below.
23. Once your objects are drawn, select the black object and make a copy (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) of it, then hide the copy. Reselect the black original object and fill it with R=245, G=218, B=211, then remove the stroke of the resulting shape. Next show the copy hidden in this step, then add a 3px stroke (R=17, G=33, B=49) and apply the Width Profile 2 for the resulting object.
24. Likewise, follow the sequence of images and fill the remaining objects of the hand.
25. You should end up with something like this:
Add the Shadows
26. To give a more realistic look I'm going to be adding some hard shadows on some key places. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and create two black shapes like you see in the image below. Next select the left shape and reduce its Opacity to 20%. Select the remaining shape and reduce its Opacity to 10%.
27. Keep working with the Pen Tool (P), create three black shapes and then reduce their Opacity like you see in the images below.
28. At this point the girl should look like in the next image:
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