In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a detailed Bulldog face. I’ll be using a variety of tools and tricks along the way. I’ll be going in depth in creating vivid fur for the Bulldog. These techniques can be applied to other elements in vector art, so it’s definitely worth the read.
Difficulty: IntermediateRequirements: Adobe Illustrator
What will you get?
- Instant download of PDF e-book (25 pages, 38 steps)
- Comes with Ai file for easy reference
- Detailed step by step tutorial to draw a nice realistic bulldog's face
Tutorial Preview:
Create a New Document
1. Launch Illustrator and press (Ctrl + N) to create a new document. Select Pixels from the Units drop-down menu, enter 520 in the width box and 460 in the height box then click on the Advanced button. Select RGB, Screen (72ppi) and make sure that the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid box is unchecked before you click OK.
2. Start by drawing a 350px by 350px ellipse using the Ellipse Tool (L). Next, we’ll use the Pencil Tool (N) to create an object as you can see in the second image below. Once your object is drawn, remove the black ellipse. Reselect the newly created object, fill it with R=190, G=153, B=93 and remove the stroke. Keep the resulting shape selected. Go to the Effect > Stylize > Feather. Enter a 10px Radius and then click OK.
3. Continue to use the Pencil Tool (N) or the Pen Tool (P) to create an object as you can see in the image below. Once your object is drawn, fill it with the radial gradient.
Create the Eyes for the Bulldog
4. With the help of the Ellipse Tool (L), create a 38px by 42px object. Fill this object
with R=0, G=0, B=0. Keep the resulting shape selected. Go to the Object > Transform > Rotate. In the Rotate box, enter a 72 degrees Angle and then click OK.
Make sure that the resulting shape is still selected and go to the Object > Path >
Offset Path. Enter a -5px Offset and click OK. Replace the existing color of the newly
created shape with the radial gradient.
5. It's time to draw the pupil of the eye. Reselect the newly created shape. Go to the Object > Path > Offset Path. Enter a -6px Offset and then click OK. Replace the existing color of the newly created shape with R=35, G=31, B=32. Keep the resulting shape selected. Go to the Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. In the Zig Zag box, follow the data as shown below and then click OK. While the resulting shape is still selected, open the Transparency palette (Window > Transparency) and set the Blending Mode to Overlay. While the result is selected, go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 1px Radius and then click OK.
6. Let's add some highlights to the eye to create more depth. Start by drawing two objects
using the Pen Tool (P). Next, fill these objects with R=120, G=135, B=166. Keep the
resulting shapes selected. Go to the Effect > Stylize > Feather. Enter a 2px Radius
and then click OK.
7. To add some details, first draw two curved paths as shown below. Once your paths are drawn, fill the yellow path with none, add a 2px stroke (R=74, G=85, B=98) and apply the Width Profile 1 for the result. Next, select the red path, fill it with none, add a 3px stroke (R=136, G=144, B=163) and apply the Width Profile 1 for the result. Keep the resulting object selected. Go to the Effect > Stylize > Feather. Enter a 2px Radius and then click OK. Continue to create another red path as you can see in the second image. Fill this path with none, add a 7px stroke (R=35, G=31, B=32) and apply the Width Profile 5 for the result. Make sure that the newly created object is still selected and go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 1px Radius and then click OK.