In this tutorial, we will be drawing a lot of different shapes for the lion shield. You will have the opportunity to practice with the Pen tool. We will use this tool to create shapes and fill them with gradients. Finally, we will add some effects (Drop Shadow, Outer Glow) to these shapes. Besides that, we will also use some other techniques as Pathfinder, Offset Path, Reflect… Have fun in this Adobe Illustrator tutorial.
Drawing the Shield
1. Open a 750 by 750px document, RGB mode.
2. Pick the Pen tool (P) and draw the shape that you see in the image below or just draw half of it and then reflect it symmetrically, like I did. Next, fill it with a linear gradient.
3. While the shape is still selected, go to the Effect menu > Stylize > Drop Shadow. In the Drop Shadow box, enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Next duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl+F) this shape one time. While the copy is selected, hold down Shift and press the Up arrow one time.
Drawing the Hairs of the Lion Head
4. Use the Pen tool (P) and draw the shape that you see in the image below or just draw half of it and then reflect it to be symmetrical. Next fill it with R=128, G=0, B=0.
5. Go to the Effects menu > Stylize > Drop Shadow and set the data like you see in the image.
6. Next go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path box, enter a -7px Radius and then click OK.
7. Change the values in Drop Shadow of the newly created shape as shown below. Next replace the existing color with the linear gradient.
8. Continue drawing shapes as shown below. And then fill them with R=128, G=0, B=0.
9. Add Shadow effects on shapes as shown below (Effect menu > Stylize > Drop Shadow).
10. Reselect shapes as shown in the first image and go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path box, enter a -7px Radius and then click OK.
11. Do the same for the remaining shapes (but change the values of Offset section).
12. Select all shapes created from beginning step 10 to this step. And then change the values in the Drop Shadow box of them as shown below.
13. Fill the resulting shapes with linear gradient.
14. Continue drawing shapes as shown below.
15. Fill the newly created shapes with the linear gradient. Next group (Ctrl+G) these shapes and then add the Shadow effect on this group as shown in the second image.
16. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes created from beginning step 8 to the current step. Next double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Then place the resulting group to the correct position as shown in the second image.
17. Name for the layer containing all shapes created so far as “Hairs”.
Drawing the Face of the Lion
18. Create a new layer in the Layer palette and name it “Head”. Now we will work on this new layer. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create a white shape as show below. Next make layer “Hairs” invisible by clicking on the eye icon from the Layers panel.
19. Fill the new shape with the radial gradient.
20. Keep the resulting shape selected, go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path, enter a -5px Radius and then click OK. Next change the colors of the new shape as shown.
21. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create a white shape as shown below. And then fill it with the linear gradient.
22. Continue use the Pen Tool (P) to create a white shape as shown below. Then fill the new shape with the linear gradient.
Drawing the Eyes of the Lion
23. Continue draw a new shape as shown below. Next fill it with the radial gradient.
24. Now we will create eyes for the lion. First, pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create two white shapes as shown below. Next select and duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) the smaller shape one time. Press (Ctrl + 3) to hide the copies.
25. Next select two white shapes and click on the Exclude button from the Pathfinder panel. Fill the resulting shape with R=35, G=31, B=32.
26. Now go to the Object menu > Show All (Ctrl +Alt +3) to show the white shape hidden in the previous step. And then fill this shape with the radial gradient.
27. Continue to create a white shape as shown below. And then fill it with the radial gradient.
28. Keep working with the Pen Tool (P). Use this tool to create two white shapes as shown below. Next fill them both with R=255, G=222, B=23 and add a 1px stroke (R=237, G=28, B=36). Keep these shapes selected and send them backward (press Ctrl + Left Square Bracket a few ttimes).
29. Now we’ll create the eyebrows. First create a white shape as shown below and then fill it with the linear gradient. Keep the resulting shape selected, go to the Effect menu > Stylize > Drop Shadow. In the Drop Shadow box, enter the data as shown in the third image and then click OK.
30. Continue to use the Pen Tool (P) to create a blue shape as shown below. Next fill it with R=237, G=28, B=36.
31. Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all shapes created from beginning step 23 to this time. Keep the new group selected and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the resulting group to the correct position as shown below.
Drawing the Noses of the Lion
32. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create a white shape as shown below. Fill the new shape with the radial gradient and add a 1px stroke (R=190, G=30, B=45)
33. Pick the Ellipse Tool (L) and use it to create a small shape as shown below. And then fill it with R=128, G=61, B=0. Next make some copies in front (Ctrl+C, Ctrl +F) and place them to positions as shown in the second image below.
34. Now create a white shape and fill it with the linear gradient as shown below.
35. Keep the resulting shape selected, go to the Effect menu > Stylize > Outer Glow. In the Outer Glow box, enter the data as shown below and then click OK. Next make some copies in front (Ctrl+C, Ctrl +F) and place them to positions as shown in the second image below.
36. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes created from beginning step 31 to this time. Next duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) this group once time and then place the copy to the correct position as shown below.
37. Continue to create a white shape as shown below. Next fill it with the linear gradient and add a 1px stroke (R=190, G=30, B=45).
38. Select two anchor points highlighted with white and then click on the “Cut path selected anchor points” button from the Properties bar. Next remove the shape highlighted with the white arrow.
39. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create a white shape as shown below. Next fill it with the radial gradient.
40. Continue to create a new shape and fill it with the linear gradient as shown below. Keep the resulting shape selected, double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the result in the correct position as shown in the final image below.
Drawing the mouth of the lion
41. First draw shapes as shown below and then fill them with the linear gradient.
42. Duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) the shape selected once. Fill the copy with none and add a 1px stroke (blue color). Next adjust the newly created shape to get the result as shown in the final image below.
43. Reselect the shape edited in the previous step and go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path box, enter a -11px Offset and then click OK.
44. Select the anchor point highlighted with black and click on the “Convert selected anchor points to smooth” button from the Properties bar. Next press the Down arrow key twelve times.
45. Reselect and duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) the smaller blue shape once time. And then press (Ctrl+3) to hide the copy. Next select two blue shapes and click on the Exclude button from the Pathfinder panel. Finally fill the resulting shape with R=35, G=31, B=32.
46. Now go to the Object menu > Show All (Ctrl+Alt+3) to show the blue shape hidden in the previous step. And then fill this shape with R=128, G=0, B=0.
47. Create a new shape as shown below. Next fill it with R=247, G=148, B=30.
48. Continue create a white shape and fill it with the radial gradient as shown below. Keep the resulting shape selected, press (Ctrl+ Left Square Bracket) a few times to get the result as shown in the third image.
49. Continue to draw shapes and fill them with the radial gradient as shown below.
Drawing the Teeth of the Lion
50. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create a white shape as shown below. Next fill it with the radial gradient.
51. Do the same to get the result as shown below.
52. Continue creating shapes and then fill them with the radial gradient as shown below.
53. Select and group (Ctrl+G) two newly created shapes. Keep this group selected, double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next, place the resulting group to the correct position as shown in the second image.
54. Keep working with the Pen Tool (P). Use this tool to create a green shape as shown in the first image. Next fill the new shape with the linear gradient and then press (Ctrl + Left Square Bracket) a few times to get the result as shown in the final image.
55. Continue with the Pen Tool (P). Use it to create shapes as shown below. Next fill them with the radial gradient.
56. Do the same to get the result as shown below.
57. Continue draw a new shape as shown below and then fill it with the linear gradient.
58. Keep the new shape selected, press (Ctrl+ Left Square Bracket) a few times to get the result as shown in the first image. Next select and group (Ctrl+G) all shapes created from beginning step 49 to this time. Press (Ctrl+ Left Square Bracket) a few times to get the result as shown in the second image.
59. Reselect the newly created group and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the resulting group to the correct position as shown in the second image.
53. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create white shape as shown below. Next fill it with the radial gradient.
60. Do the same for other tooth. Next select and group (Ctrl+G) all shapes created from the beginning step 53 to this step. And then press (Ctrl+Left Square Bracket) a few times to get the result as shown in the second image.
61. Continue to draw two fangs for the lion. Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a white shape as shown below and fill it with the radial gradient.
62. Keep the resulting shape selected and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the resulting shape to the correct position as shown in the second image.
63. Draw shapes as shown below and then fill them with the radial gradient.
64. Select the two newly created shapes. Next go to the Object menu > Blend > Blend Options and set the values like you see in the image.
65. Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all shapes created in step 56. Next double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Finally place the copy to the correct position as shown in the second image.
Drawing the Wars of the Lion
66. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create shapes as shown below. Next fill them with the radial gradient.
67. Select and group (Ctrl+G) two newly created shapes and then double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and click Copy. Next place the resulting group to the correct position as shown in the second image.
Draw the Golden Crown
68. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create a shape as shown below.
69. Reselect the newly created shape and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the resulting shape to the correct position as shown below. Select two white shapes and click on the Unite button from the Pathfinder panel.
70. Select two anchor points highlighted with yellow and click on the “Convert selected anchor points to smooth” button from the Properties bar. Keep two anchor points selected, hold down Shift and press the Down arrow key twice times. Finally fill the resulting shape with the linear gradient.
71. Duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) the newly created shape once time. Then fill the copy with the linear gradient.
72. Next move anchor points highlighted with yellow 10px down.
73. Add two anchor points at points highlighted with green. Next remove two anchor points highlighted with white.
74. Duplicate (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F) the shape selected as shown below once time. Next select and move the anchor point highlighted with yellow 3px to the right and 5px up.
75. Select and move the anchor point highlighted with yellow 3px to the left and 5px up.
76. Continue to move anchor points highlighted with yellow as shown below.
77. Finally, fill the newly created shape with the linear gradient. Next press (Ctrl +Shift + Left Square Bracket) to send it to back.
78. Create an ellipse shape and then fill it with the radial gradient as shown below. Next reduce size of the newly created shape and place it to the position as shown below. Make the copies and place them to the positions as shown in the third image. Next select and group (Ctrl +G) all newly created shapes and then send this group to back (Ctrl+Shift+Left Square Bracket).
79. Do the same to get the result as shown below.
80. Use the Ellipse Tool (L) to create a 45 by 12px shape and then fill it with the linear gradient. Continue to create a 40 by 10px ellipse shape and fill it with the radial gradient.
81. Select two newly created shapes. Then click on the Horizontal Align Center button from the Align panel and click on the Vertical Align Top button. Next group (Ctrl+G) these shapes.
82. Now select the group created in the previous step and make five copies in front. Next place newly created groups to the correct positions as shown below.
83. Pick the Pen Tool (P) and use it to create a blue shape as shown below. Fill the newly created shape with radial gradient.
84. Switch to the Ellipse Tool (L) and use it to create a green shape as shown below. Fill the newly created shape with R=190, G=30, B=45. Next send it backwards (Ctrl + Left Square Bracket).
85. Select two newly created shapes and group (Ctrl+G) them. Keep this group selected, double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next move the copy to the correct position as shown in the second image.
86. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create a blue shape as shown below. Next fill it with the radial gradient.
87. Switch to the Ellipse Tool (L). Use this tool to create shapes and then fill them as shown below.
88. Pick the Polygon Tool (hidden in the Rectangle Tool group) and click on any position in the document. In the Polygon box, enter 50px Radius and 8 Sides and then click OK. Next turn on the rulers (Ctrl +R). Drag the Vertical guide and the Horizontal guide in the correct positions as shown in the second image. Reselect the newly created shape and go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path box, enter a -20px Offset and then click OK. While the resulting shape is still selected, make a copy in front (Ctrl +C, Ctrl+F) and then press (Ctrl + 3) to hide it.
89. Select and remove all anchor points highlighted with green. Next select two blue anchor points and click on the “Connect selected end points” button from the Properties bar. Do the same with two white anchor points.
90. Reselect the newly created shape. Next pick the Rotate Tool (R), hold down Alt and click on the center point of two guides. In the Rotate box, enter a 45 Angle and then click Copy. Next press (Ctrl + D) six times to get the result as shown in the third image.
91. Fill the shape selected with the linear gradient. Select all yellow shapes as shown in the second image (except the shape just filled). Next pick the Eyedropper Tool (I) and click on the shape filled in the previous step.
92. Press (Ctrl + Alt + 3) to show the shape hidden in the previous step. Next fill it with R=255, G=255, B=0. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes just created. Keep this group selected, double click on the Rotate Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Rotate box, enter a 20 Radius and then click OK.
93. Place the newly created group to the correct position as shown in the first image below. Next select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes created from beginning step 62 to this time. Keep this new group selected and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the copy to the correct position as shown in the third image.
94. Do the same to get the result as shown in the final image below.
95. Pick the Rectangle Tool (M) and use it to create a 105 by 210px shape. Next remove anchor point highlighted with red. Fill the resulting shape with the linear gradient.
96. Keep working with the Rectangle Tool (M). Use this tool to create shapes and fill them with the linear gradient as shown below.
97. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes we just created. Keep this group selected and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the copy to the correct position as shown in the second image.
98. Now select a shape of the right group and reverse positions of two gradient stops in the Gradient panel.
99. Repeat the same techniques for the remaining shapes of the right group. In the end it should look like the image shown.
100. Select the two newly created groups and double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Horizontal and then click Copy. Keep the results selected, double click on the Reflect Tool button again. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click OK. Next place the resulting groups to the correct positions as shown in the fourth image. Select and group (Ctrl +G) four newly created groups. Finally, reduce the size of this new group and place it to the correct position as shown in the final image.
101. Now select the group created in the step 63 and make 3 copies in front (Ctrl+C, Ctrl +F, Ctrl +F, Ctrl+F). Next move the copies to the new positions and reduce the size of them as shown in the second image.
102. Select the group “2” and group “3” and make some copies. Next place copies to the positions as shown below.
103. Select and group (Ctrl+G) all newly arranged groups. Next press (Ctrl+Left Square Bracket) a few times to send the newly created group backward as shown below.
104. Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste in Front (Ctrl + F) the newly created group, reflect it vertically, then place it to the correct position as shown below.
105. Do the same to get the results as shown below.
106. Pick the Ellipse Tool (L) and use it to create a white shape as shown below. Next fill this shape with the linear gradient.
107. Keep the resulting shape selected, go to the Object menu > Path > Offset Path. In the Offset Path box, enter a -2px Offset and then click OK. Next replace the existing color with the linear gradient as shown in the third image.
108. Select and place the group “1” to the correct position as shown below. Next select and group (Ctrl+G) two newly created shapes and the group “1” and then make 3 copies in front. Next reduce the size of the copies and place them to the correct positions as shown below.
109. Select 3 newly created groups and then double click on the Reflect Tool button from the Tool palette. In the Reflect box, check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next place the results to the correct positions as shown below. Finally select and group (Ctrl+G) all shapes created from beginning step 58 to this time. Name this group “Crown”.
110. Next make layer “Hairs” visible by clicking on the eye icon from the Layers panel.
111. Place the group “Crown” to the correct position as shown below.
112. Now select and ungroup (Shift + Ctrl + G) group “Head” . Next select group “Ears” and press (Ctrl +X) to cut this group. Select the layer “Crown” from the Layer palette and press (Ctrl +Shift +V). The final image is done
113. Here’s the final image. Hope you have learnt a lot by creating this vector lion shield in Adobe Illustrator.
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No me sale el paso 8.Ahí a quedado perfecto, como hago para que me salgan perfectos esa forma curva que tiene el “pelaje” del león.
Me gustaría que me pudieran ayudar graciassssssssssssss….
I get no step 8, the curved shape that has the “pet” lion to become so perfect, from most to least.
I wish I could help, I would appreciate very much and of course I love this site I am learning with tutorials.
Thank you.
man this one is my favorite.