Here you will learn how to draw beautiful orchid in a pot. The tutorial is composed of two main parts, creating the pot and creating the orchid plant. You will start from basic shapes, use the techniques that involve the Transform, Blend and with a few effects such as Grain, Spatter, Gaussian Blur you will easily create the shapes that you need. So let’s take a closer look.
Open a New Document
1. Launch Illustrator and from the File menu choose New. Type a name, set up the width and height of your new document then select Pixels as Units and RGB as Color Mode.
Create a Flower Pot
2. Pick the Ellipse Tool (L), create a 98 by 30px shape and fill it with the linear gradient shown below.
3. Select the new shape and go to the Object > Transform > Transform Each…Follow the data as shown below and then click Copy. Next replace the existing color of the copy with R=194, G=93, B=80. Reselect the result, make a copy in front (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) and then hide the copy (Ctrl + 3).
4. Select two remaining ellipses and go to Object > Blend > Make. Next, go to Object > Blend > Blend Options, select Specified Steps from the drop down menu, enter 30 in the box and click OK.
5. Press (Ctrl + Alt +3) to show the ellipse hidden in the previous step. While the shape selected, go to the Object > Transform > Scale…Check the Non-Uniform, enter a 108 in the Horizontal box and enter a 122 in the Vertical box and then click OK. Next replace the existing color of the resulting shape with new linear gradient.
6. Duplicate the resulting shape (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F) and then move the copy 27px up. Reselect the newly created shape, make a copy in front (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) and then hide the copy (Ctrl + 3).
7. Select two newly created shapes and go to Object > Blend > Make. Next, go to Object > Blend > Blend Options, select Specified Steps from the drop down menu, enter 30 in the box and click OK.
8. Press (Ctrl + Alt +3) to show the ellipse hidden in the previous step. While the shape selected, replace the existing color of it with new linear gradient.
9. Keep the resulting shape selected, go to the Object > Transform > Scale…Check the Non-Uniform, enter a 93 in the Horizontal box and enter a 83 in the Vertical box and then click Copy. Next replace the existing color of the copy with R=51, G=11, B=5. Finally duplicate the resulting shape (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F) and then hide the copy (Ctrl + 3).
10. Now reselect the shape created in the step 9 and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain…Follow the data as shown below and then click OK.
11. Press (Ctrl + Alt + 3) to show the shape hidden in the previous step. Fill this shape with none and add a 1px Stroke (R=66, G=37, B=33). Next go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 2px Radius and then click OK.
12. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create a curved path, fill it with none and add a 4px stroke (R=136, G=41, B=28). Next add the Gaussian Blur effect for this curved path and then lowered its opacity to 60%. Finally press (Ctrl + Left Square Bracket) many times to get the result as shown below.
13. Continue working with the Pen Tool (P), create a curved path and then set the data for it as shown below.
14. Double-click on the blended object created in the step 4. Select and copy (Ctrl + C) the smaller shape. Next double-click on the anywhere outside of the blended object and then press (Ctrl + Shift + V) to paste in place. Now select and group (Ctrl +G) all shapes (except the newly created shape) created from beginning step 1 to this time.
15. Reselect the newly created shape, go to the Object > Transform > Transform Each…Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Duplicate (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F) the result and hide the copy (Ctrl + 3).
16. Select the shape we have just created and go to the Object > Transform > Transform Each…Follow the data as shown below and then click Copy.
17. Replace the existing color of the copy with new linear gradient. Next send it to back (Ctrl + Shift + Left Square Bracket).
18. Create a blend between two newly created shapes.
19. Now press (Ctrl + Alt + 3) to show the shape hidden in the previous step. Next replace the existing color of this shape with new linear gradient.
20. While the result selected, go to the Object > Transform > Scale…Check the Non-Uniform, enter a 90 in the Horizontal box and enter a 80 in the Vertical box and then click Copy. Next replace the existing color of the copy with R=51, G=11, B=5.
21. Keep the result selected, go to the Object > Transform > Scale…Check the Uniform, enter a 93 in the Scale box and then click Copy. Next replace the existing color of the copy with R=64, G=19, B=13. Finally move the result 4px down.
22. Duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F, Ctrl +F) the shape we have created in the step 20 twice times and then hide a copy (Ctrl +3). Select the remaining copy, hold down the Shift and click on the shape created in the step 21. Next open the Pathfinder palette (Window > Pathfinder) and then click on the Intersect button.
23. Now press (Ctrl + Alt + 3) to show the shape hidden in the previous step. Next fill this shape with none and add a 1px stroke (R=66, G=37, B=33). Keep the result selected, go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 2px radius and then click OK.
24. Select the group created in the step 14 and bring it to front (Ctrl + Shift + Right Square Bracket). Next place this group to the position as shown below.
Add Shadows and Highlight to the Flower Pot
25. Create some curved paths and then set the data for them as shown in the images below.
26. Now we’ll add shadows under the pot. First, double-click on the blended object created in the step 18, select the smaller shape and copy it (Ctrl +C). Next double-click on the anywhere outside of the blended object and then press (Ctrl +Shift +V) to paste in place.
27. Replace the existing color of the copy with R=35, G=31, B=32 and add the Gaussian Blur effect for the result. Finally send it to back (Ctrl + Shift + Left Square Bracket).
28. Reselect the newly created shape and make a copy in front (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F). While the copy selected, open the Appearance palette (Window > Appearance) and click on the Gaussian Blur section. In the Gaussian Blur dialog box, enter a 28px radius and then click OK.
Create the leaves
29. Now we’re going to create some leaves. Start by drawing a shape with the Pen Tool (P).
30. Once your shape is drawn, fill it with the radial gradient.
31. Next create other half of the leaf shape and then fill it with the radial gradient as shown below.
32. Next we’ll create veins for the leaf. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create two curved paths and then set the data for them as shown below.
33. Create a blend between two new curved paths.
34. Now we’ll create smaller veins for this leaf. First duplicate the newly blended object (Ctrl + C, Ctrl +F). Next double-click on the copy, select two original curved paths and then reset the data of them as shown below. Finally, double-click on the anywhere outside of the blended object.
35. Reselect the blended object just edited, go to the Object > Blend > Blend Options…Change the blend box to 20 and then click OK.
36. Add two margins for the leaf. Create two curved paths and then set the data for it as shown below.
37. In the end your leaf should look like the image shown.
38. Now, follow the sequence of images and draw some leaves similar to the ones from below. This process will take some time but you will not be disappointed with the final result.
39. At this time we have created two leaves for our orchid plant.
40. Likewise, repeat the same process as the previous steps to draw more leaves.
41. The third leaf has been completed.
42. Continue create the fourth leaf.
43. Here we have the fourth leaf ready.
44. Now we’ll draw the final leaf for our orchid plant.
45. Here is what you get after completing all the leaves.
46. There needs to be some shadow under the leaves drawn. First use the Pen Tool (P) create two shapes like you see in the image.
47. Next fill two newly created shapes with the linear gradient.
48. Finally add the Gaussian Blur effect for two results.
Create roots for the orchid plant
49. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create two curved paths.
50. Set the data for these curved paths as shown below.
51. To the root looks more vivid, we’ll add some effects for it. First duplicate (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F) two newly created objects and go to the Effect > Texture > Grain…Enter the data as shown below and then click OK. While the results selected, add the Gaussian Blur effect for them. Next lowered their opacity to 50%.
52. Now we’ll create the shadow for this root. First use the Pen Tool (P) to create two curved paths and then set the data for them as shown in the images below.
53. Add the Gaussian Blur effect for two newly created objects. Next lowered their opacity to 50%. Finally put the results behind the root created in the previous step (press Ctrl +Left Square Bracket twice times).
54. Do the same as the previous steps to create some other roots. You should end up with something like this:
Create stem of the orchid plant.
55. With the Pen Tool (P) create a shape like you see in the image below.
56. Fill the newly created shape with the linear gradient.
57. Now we’ll use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a curved path and then apply the brush with a 4px stroke Weight, set the red stroke color and use the “Width Profile 4” option from the Profile drop down for the stroke.
58. Fill the newly created shape with the linear gradient.
59. Keep the result selected, go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 3px radius and then click OK.
60. Now we’ll create some flower pedicels by using the Pen Tool (P) to draw shapes as shown below.
61. Once your shapes is drawn, fill them with the linear gradient.
Create the plant stick
62. Our orchid plant needs some support. So we’ll create a plant stick for this. First use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a 4 by 400px shape.
63. Fill this shape with the linear gradient.
64. Next we’ll create an orchid clip. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create four curved paths and then set the data for them as shown in the images below.
65. Next create a shape as shown in the first image and then fill it with the radial gradient.
66. Duplicate the newly created shape (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F). Use the same radial gradient for the copy but place the beginning point of the gradient like you see in the first image below. Finally send the result to back (Ctrl + Shift + Left Square Bracket).
67. The plant stick is ready and looks like this:
Create the orchid buds
68. Start with drawing a shape as shown below. Once your shape is drawn, reselect it and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path…Enter a -2px offset and then click OK.
69. Fill two newly created shapes with the radial gradient.
70. Select the newly created shape and go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 3px radius and then click OK.
71. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create three curved paths and then set the data for them as shown below. Finally select and group (Ctrl +G) all shapes created from beginning step 68 to this time.
72. At this time we have created an orchid bud. Likewise, repeat the same process to create the second orchid bud.
73. We’ll make our orchid become more vivid by creating some buds with other colors. Now draw a shape as shown below and then fill it with the radial gradient.
74. Next create three other shapes and then fill them with the radial gradient as shown below.
75. Now select three newly created shapes and then duplicate them (Ctrl +C, Ctrl +F). While the copies selected, go to the Effect > Texture > Grain…Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Next go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 1px radius and then click OK. Finally open the Transparency palette (Window > Transparency) and then select Overlay in the Blending Mode.
76. Repeat the same process to create other orchid bud.
77. Now place the buds to the top of the pedicels. Then scale and rotate the buds as needed.
Create orchid flowers
78. It’s time to draw the beautiful flowers for our orchid plant. First create three sepals by using the Pen Tool (P) to draw three shapes as shown below and then fill them with R=255, G=255, B=252.
79. Select three newly created shapes and go to the Object > Path > Offset Path…Enter a -0.5px offset and then click OK. Next replace the existing color of the results with the linear gradient.
80. Reselect three newly filled shapes and go to the Effect > Brush Stroke > Spatter…Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Next go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 1px radius and then click OK.
81. Let’s work on creation of veins on our sepals. First create curved paths along the sepals. Then set the data for them as shown in the images below.
82. Continue create an ellipse shape and then fill it with the radial gradient as shown below.
83. Add the Spatter effect and the Gaussian Blur effect for the newly created shape.
84. Next come the orchid petals. The first thing to do is draw a shape as shown below and then fill it with R=255, G=255, B=252.
85. Continue create a shape and then fill it with the radial gradient as shown below.
86. Reselect the result and go to the Effect > Brush Stroke > Spatter…Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Next go to the Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur…Enter a 1px radius and then click OK.
87. Draw a shape like you see in the image and then fill this shape with the radial gradient.
88. Add the Gaussian Blur effect for the newly created shape. Keep the result selected, open the Transparency palette (Window > Transparency), select the Lighten in the Blending Mode and enter a 80 in the Opacity box.
89. Create a shape as shown below and then fill it with the radial gradient.
90. Keep the newly filled shape selected, go to the Effect > Texture > Grain…Follow the data as shown below and then click OK. Next add the Gaussian Blur effect for the result. Finally open the Transparency palette (Window > Transparency), select the Lighten in the Blending Mode and then enter a 80 in the Opacity box.
91. Create veins for this petal. First draw curved paths like you see in the images below. Next select all curved paths and replace the existing color of them with R=150, G=0, B=174. Keep the results selected, open the Transparency palette, select the Overlay in the Blending Mode and enter a 40 in the Opacity box.
92. Select and group (Ctrl + G) all shapes created from beginning step 84 to this time. While the newly created group selected, go to the Object > Transform > Rotate…Enter a 70 degrees angle and then click OK.
93. Keep the newly created group selected, go to the Object > Transform > Reflect…Check the Vertical and then click Copy. Next move the copy to the position as shown below.
94. Create the lip for the orchid flower. Use the Pen Tool (P) to create a shape and then fill it with the radial gradient as shown below.
95. Add two details for the lip as shown below.
96. Create the column for the orchid. Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw shapes, fill them and then add some effects for the results.
97. Select the shape created in the previous step, reflect it vertically, then move the copy to the position as shown below.
98. Continue working with the Pen Tool (P). Use this tool to create a shape and then fill it with the radial gradient.
99. Add the Spatter effect and the Gaussian Blur effect for the newly created shape.
100. Select and group (Ctrl +G) all shapes created from beginning step 78 to this time. The orchid flower is ready and looks like this:
101. Now we’ll create the back of the orchid flower. First select the “orchid flower” group created in the previous step and then make a copy of this group (Ctrl +C, Ctrl F). After move the copy to the other position, ungroup it (Ctrl + Shift + G) and select shapes as shown in the first image and then send them to back (Ctrl +Shift +Left Square Bracket). Finally select and group (Ctrl +G) all shapes created in this step.
102. Place the “orchid flower” group have created in the step 100 to the position as shown below.
103. Reselect the “orchid flower” group and make a copy in front (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + F). Rotate the copy an angle of about -64 degrees and then place the result to the position as shown below.
104. Repeat the same process to create two other “orchid flower” groups. Next place these “orchid flower” groups to the positions as shown in the image below..
105. Place the “orchid flower” group created in the step 101 to the position as shown in the first image. Next send this group to back (Ctrl +Shift +Left Square Bracket).
106. Now create a flower pedicel for the orchid flower just placed. First create a shape and then fill it with the linear gradient as shown below.
107. Next create another shape and then fill it with the linear gradient like you see in the image.
108. Make a blend between two newly created shapes. Next send the result backward (press Ctrl + Left Square Bracket many times).
109. In the end your artwork should look like the image shown.
Create the background for our orchid plant.
110. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a 800 by 800px shape. Next fill it with the radial gradient.
111. Place the orchid plant to the position as shown below.
112. Here’s the final image. Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and find it useful.
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Thanks this looks a great tutorial
Excellent job… Thanks for sharing.